Family Worship Ministries
An International Church
401 Troy-Candor Road, Troy, NC

FWM College of Theology
(Satellite Extension of NC College of Theology-Wilmington)
401 Troy-Candor Road, Troy, NC
Receive your complete Bible College education in your own home or at our satellite campus. Join hundreds of other students in developing your knowledge of the Bible and expanding your ministry opportunities.
Start working today on:
· Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
· Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
· Graduate of Arts in Biblical Studies
· Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
· Master of Arts in Theology
· Biblical Counseling Degree
· Doctor of Theology Degree
· Doctor of Biblical Counseling
The North Carolina College of Theology is fully accredited through the Southern Accrediting Association of Christian Schools. (Inquiries, please write: 46 East Princess St., York, PA 17401)
God has blessed our ministry with this type of study, and with His continued help and anointing, our school will continue to send forth spirit filled pastors, evangelists, teachers, missionaries, and other Christian workers. FWM College of Theology is designed to equip the saints to carry out the great commission of Jesus Christ until He calls us home.
We believe God is helping us to develop a powerful program that is developing effective leaders in these last days.
FWM College of Theology is an institution of higher education which is dedicated to Pastors and professional Christian workers desiring to become better equipped in order to accomplish the work to which God has called them. This institution offers specific courses that are designed to immediately assist the busy Pastor or church worker in their respective fields. The staff and faculty of this college are seasoned professionals who have spent most of their lives in the ministry.
Correspondence Learning
(A Degree Earned at Home)
Introducing the FWM College of Theology’s Correspondence distance learning certificate program. Now you can get the same degree from your own home, at your pace. Sometimes there are obligations that keep you from being able to attend a school, or you may not live close to one of the satellite campuses, but no matter the reason you can still learn the Word of God and earn a certificate in theology.
Doctoral Program
(For Life Earned Experience)
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce the “Life-Earned Experience” Doctoral degrees offered by FWM College of Theology. FWMCT looks forward to honoring God’s faithful servants with the degrees that so many truly deserve. FWM College of Theology is a Bible College. To receive “Life-Earned Experience Degrees,” you must meet the following requirements:
Minimum of fifteen years of full-time ministry experience This experience serves as your educational background information if you do not have a formal education
Completed FWMCT Application With payment of Application Fee
Picture of yourself
Copy of high school diploma/GED
Copy of license and ordination certificate; you must have been ordained for 15 years or more
A copy of any college degrees, diplomas, and/or certificates earned. Please submit all together, in order
A written THESIS is required. However, based on your current degree level and years of life-earned experience, this can be waived
Degree Programs
FWM College of Theology offers Associate, Bachelor, Graduate, Masters, and Doctorate degrees
A Certificate of Biblical studies, a one year study of the Word of God, is available.
Degrees are awarded through the North Carolina College of Theology Satellite Extension Program.
Students may apply to the FWMCT external studies program and attend one of the Satellite Schools, located throughout the United States and abroad.